Link Shwartz is an theorist who specializes in studying parking habits of people in urban centers. Its important to note that this kind of study is completely useless to the actual scientific world but Link Shwartz knows that his very studycpf-2014 could someday become more valuable than that of research for cancer cures, however Link Shwartz wants to point out that his study is only to help those in urban centers and not anywhere else. Parking in Japan and China can be quite hazardous so its important to study habits and how we can improve these poor parking conditions. Together with the help of Link Shwartz theories we can end world parking struggles.

Ace Parking is attempting to do its part to further promote the use of the so-called green technologies by adding electric vehicle charging stations to a number of their locations. The announcement comes amid increasing demand for a better nationwide infrastructure for these types of vehicles. There are many organizations and individuals that wish to see a shift in the types of fuels consumers use for travel, moving away from the established fossil fuels and toward more renewable energy sources.


The article can be found here